Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 11, 2010

Dog Cough

Dog cough is the most common cause of persistent coughing in dogs. In the early stages it occurs only after considerable exercise, but as the problem progresses it becomes more pronounced no that even moderate exercise and excitement bring on a coughing spell.

The dog with certain heart problems coughs because the weak heart cannot profuse the lungs with blood adequately, resulting in an excess of carbon dioxide. The excess carbon dioxide in the blood affects the cough reflex center in the brain, causing the cough. When the cough stops or is markedly reduced, this is in one sense helpful to the veterinarian who had prescribed drugs to strengthen the heart: the cough becomes a barometer of the heart's condition. There is also commonly a fluid buildup in the lungs of dogs with some heart problems and coughing helps clear some of it.

As with humans, coughing dislodges phlegm when necessary, which dogs usually swallow. Persistent coughing is a good reason to seek veterinary help.

The following are the types of dog cough that commonly occurs.

Types of Dog Cough

Kennel Cough – The kennel cough is an acute form of respiratory disorder which is characterized by dry hacking cough in dogs. This disease generally occurs among dogs who are in the habit of staying together in a confined kennel. The disease is characterized by serious irritation in the tracheal and bronchial area, due to the development of mucous formation leading to pneumonia. The dog should be given proper medication as soon as the dog owners come to know about the fact. To save dogs from the high contagious disease Bordatella vaccination is injected in the pet.

Distemper – Most dogs are vaccinated to stay away from the disease. The disease is accompanied by the incidence of cough, very high fever and thick discharge from the eyes and the nose. The disease mainly occurs in young puppies, old dogs and those having a poor immune system. Adult dogs with strong immune system if affected suffer from mild form of distemper.

Internal Parasites – The presence of parasites may also trigger the incidence of coughing. This occurs when the parasites like the round worm travels from the intestines to the heart. Heart worms are also responsible for cough. Young heartworms are transferred from the circulatory system. The heart forms can turn out to be potentially fatal for the dog if left untreated. The can cause severe cough if in case it the parasites travels to the lungs of the affected dog.

Allergies – the intrusion of pollen grains or other minute particles of irritants may also cause the excess secretion of the mucous lining along the respiratory tract. The affected dogs suffer from the wet cough due to the incidence of the disease.

Dogs may also suffer from cough due to the occurrence of tracheal collapse or any injury in the neck. The dog while coughing produces a honk like sound. Suffering from fungal infections is also a reason behind the development of the dog cough. Especially dogs that are staying close to live firm or poultry firm or an environment having huge bird dropping get infected with fungal spores.

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