Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 12, 2010

Aquarium Tips

Taking care of aquarium and fishes is very important before you purchase them. Some people are interested only in purchasing aquarium and keeping fishes in it. They don't know that aquarium is not only about decorating your home it is all about keeping your fishes healthy too. Be sure before planning to purchase an aquarium you should have a good knowledge of aquarium tips in order to give a healthy & clean environment to your fishes.

Purchasing New Tank

A new aquarium should be tested and guaranteed before you purchase it, but it is wise to test it outdoors for your peace of mind .Simply fill it with water and check it carefully for leaks. Don't purchase the fishes on the same day because the tank needs to be treated with chemicals first in order to make it free from infection.

If you buy a secondhand tank and discover it has a leak, do not panic just remember some aquarium tips in your mind. You can use aquarium silicone sealant to repair it. Find the spot that is leaking, clean and dry it thoroughly and apply a bead of sealant. This smells of vinegar, so carry out the job in a well-ventilated room. After the repair has set for 48 hours, your leaky tank will be good as new.

Do not use silicone sealants sold for bathroom and kitchen use. Although they look suitable they may contain fungicides, which are poisonous to fishes. Whatever type of tank you buy, never move it with water inside it as the varying pressures created by this can make it crack or spring a leak.

Setting a New Tank

Before you position the tank in your room, give it a good rinse with warm salty water. Do not use domestic soaps or detergents as they are poisonous to fishes. With the tank partly filled you can begin to put in the plants. Start with the back corners and progress forwards, leaving a central space for the fish to swim in. This plant has been grown in a plastic basket of rock wool to simplify planting and reduce the negative impact of the undergrad. Some plants featured here are not true aquatic species and have been used for demonstration only.

This metal hood has space for one fluorescent tube, here wisely fitted with waterproof end caps. The silvery finish inside the hood will help to reflect light down into the aquarium. The black bulge on telethon side is a cable tidy with a plastic block that literally tidies up the wiring to the air pump, lights and filters.

Maintaining a New Tank

In order to give a healthy environment to your fishes it is good practice to clean your aquarium once in every one month. Cleaning the aquarium means to remove the old water from the aquarium and add fresh water to it. We can't drain all the water at once, we have to drain 30% of the water and add the same amount of water back to tank. We have to add necessary salts and chemicals (e.g. Stress Coat and Stress Zyme) also to the tank so that water will remain infection free and fishes will remain diseases free.

Tips for aquarium are very necessary to know if you are planning to purchase an aquarium. An aquarium looks very nice when we keep it in our home but we should also know how to keep it dirt free.
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