Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 1, 2011

Dog Surgery

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In general, we can divide surgery into three categories: necessary, elective, and vanity.

Necessary surgery is surgery to save life or improve the quality of life. Automobile injuries to the soft tissue and fractures are examples. The surgical approach to eliminate cancer is also necessary and successful more often than not.

In days gone by and occasionally today seriously injured dog were and are unnecessarily destroyed by well-meaning unenlightened people - people who do not realize how effective a veterinarian can be. For the novice to assume an injured dog is hopelessly injured is a mi stake. Even we veterinarians surprise ourselves at times when a seemingly hopeless case recovers.

A three-pound adult Chihuahua ran out in front of a car that was traveling fifty miles an hour. The wheels straddled the dog but the undercarriage of the vehicle struck the little dog on top of its head, crushing the skull and indenting the head, forming a large depression. The owner rushed in with the unconscious dog, which appeared to be taking its last breath. This was a fatal injury, the owner left in tears as quickly as she had arrived. What appeared to be is that little can be done but to operate immediately. However, when we grasped the skin with an instrument at the deepest part of the depression and pulled, the fragments of the fracture had pinched the inner layer of skin between them so that when the skin was pulled with a surgical forceps the fractured skull returned to its normal position. The little dog recovered from unconsciousness in ten minutes, but the injury appeared to be so serious we waited for half an hour before phoning the distraught owner to come and get her dog. That Chihuahua lived another fourteen years to die at sixteen years of age of natural causes.
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Dog Physical Exams

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Any concerned person can and should do the simple, straight forward home examination. First, consider how the dog appears in general. Is it gaining or losing weight? Is its fluid and food intake and out put normal? Are there any personality changes? Does it limp, cough, sneeze excessively, or have halitosis? Have there been any changes since its health was last evaluated?

If everything appears normal you have passed the first hurdle. Next make a closer examination of the dog's eyes, cars, nose, and mouth. Do the whites of its eyes look normal and not inflamed? Do they squint or have an ocular discharge? Look in the ears: Are they clean with a minimum of brown waxy substance and with no excess hair? Smell them. Any unusual odor? Then examine the nose, lips, gums, tongue, throat, and teeth. Are the membranes a normal pink? Look at the teeth for plaque or tartar. Fan the hair and look for blemishes and parasite such as ticks, fleas, and lice. Lice look like motorized dandruff of the biting variety.

Next check the nails, pads, and between the digits.
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Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 1, 2011

Auto Draft

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Dog Personality Guide

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There can be little argument that personality traits are inherited as are coat, eye color, and scenting either with the nose close to the ground, as with hounds, or with head high, as with bird dogs. To breed dogs with good dispositions is one of the easier challenges for the breeder and yet there are perhaps ten casual mating's for each well-studied mating. With such odds of personality traits that are unacceptable. Strains of some breeds are bred by design to attack and guard dog. Unfortunately many of these puppies find their way into households where there is no one to train them and they grow up to be dangerous dog.

Because of the unfortunate but necessary experience of destroying unwanted dogs in pounds it is obvious that fully half of them are personality misfits; in other words, they are untrustworthy and will bite. This destruction of unwanted unfit dog is tragic but it does destroy genetic material that should not be reproduced.

Every breeding there should be an unbiased committee of three people, one of whom might be a veterinarian, to approve the male and female before a mating. Most dogs with personality problem scan should be spotted by strangers who can examine the dog in the absence of the owners.

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Dog Tail

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Dislocations occur in the tails and the toes of dogs of all breeds. Puppies born with tails that bend backward actually have dislocated vertebrae (an uncorrectable condition). Bending the tail to straighten it usually results in breaking it or damaging it so severely that the end below the break dies and must be removed.

Toes that are broken at the joints usually are easily repaired by applying casts to the feet after reduction or setting. But when a ligament of the toes is cut or broken, it seldom regenerates and the nail bends upward. This is a familiar sight to veterinarians, who see so many steel-trap wounds.

The dog’s tail speaks a lot regarding the mood and over all personality of the dog. Dog owners or dog specialists do not take much time to interpret the mood of a dog by recognizing the physical appearance including the tail. The following are some information on the various signs indicated by the different movement of tails.
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Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 1, 2011

Dog Nail Care

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The nails are appendages of the skin. Each nail has a hard outer crust protecting it, and inside there is a blood and nerve supply. Nails, be in organs of defense and aids in locomotion, as well as being useful in holding food while the teeth tear it apart, are strongly attached to the toes - much more so than our nails.

Dogs' nails are constantly growing to make up for the loss of nail which, in a wild dog, would be worn off by contact wills rough surfaces. House pets seldom have the opportunity of wearing down the nails sufficiently. Dogs running the streets keep their nails filed off by the pavements, but dogs walking on carpets or sleeping most of the time having no such opportunity and often their nails curve back under the foot until they press into the toes. Various dogs differ markedly in their rate of nail growth. In some the rate of growth is so rapid that even running on city streets fails to wear their nails off.
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Dog Owner Responsibility

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The obligations of dog owning are few, but you must fulfill them. All that the dog requires of you is food, water, comfort, exercise, health,affection, and protection. If you can't supply these simple needs, it would be better for you not to have a dog, for it will only be a burden.

For example, veterinarians will often see a Poodle whose coat is solidly matted and thick with fleas. No one could possibly comb it. The owner laments, "Oh, why didn't somebody tell me what he would be like when he grew up!" A dog allowed to get in such a condition poses medical problem and a nuisance to the owner as well. When the dog has been clipped all over, deflead, and the owner made to understand that Irons then on he must spend some time on the dog's grooming,he's likely to say, "But that's so expensive!" The owner should have known before he bought the poodle that a dog with a shorter coat is cheaper to keep.

Too often the prospective dog owner overlooks his or her own desire sand tendencies when selecting a pet. The sedentary man of studious disposition not infrequently makes the mistake of selecting a dog that requires much more exercise than he is willing to give it. Let's say he has a Foxhound. Every day he takes it for a walk around the block thereby satisfying his own conscience but providing practically no exercise for the dog. All the owner has done is to give the dog a chance to relieve itself. He should know that sometimes a foxhound will run Mona trail for as long as forty-eight hours. At so miles ass hour, it will have traveled 48o miles in that time. The hungry wild dog may run so°miles to get a single meal. In the face of such facts, the owner's walk around the block to exercise the dog becomes ludicrous. What the dog really enjoys is a so- or so-mile hike once a week an outing that would probably do the owner as much good as it does the dog.
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Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 1, 2011

Dog Growths

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In a study once made of neoplasms in dogs, about 8 percent were in the testicles. This occurs in a high percentage of old dogs. When a growth occurs in one testicle, the other generally atrophies. When the testicle with the growth is removed, the shrunken testicle usually increases to normal size again, and there may be a return to normal production of sperm.

Some tumors growing in the testicles may cause the dog to take on female characteristics. He develops enlarged nipples, does not lift his hind leg when urinating, and has no interest in mating with bitches.

Dog Growths Information

The following are some information on dog growths that occur on the skin surfaces due to various skin or internal disorders.

Lipomas – Almost every adult dog especially the fatty ones have experience skin growths or tumors in their lifetime. Generally vet doctors do not take steps to remove them unless they are found to be causing health problems. If you find that your dog has a lipoma always keep a check on a regular basis. The tumor can be troublesome in case you find the growth to be excessively growing at a rapid pace. Under such circumstances surgical treatment can be an effective way to get rid of it.
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Dog Grooming Stripping or Plucking

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Should wirehaired breeds be plucked or clipped? Wirehaired Terri en-breeders who show their dogs express dismay at the mentions of clipping. A clipped terrier does not have a typical show appearance. But those who are not interested in showing their dogs will find that the dogs like clipping better than plucking. The clipped coat is smoother,the dog is not subjected to the annoyance of plucking, and the job cost sonly about half as much. A dog may be clipped every three or four months for a year and be in trim condition all the time at a cost no greater than that of two plucking's.

Summer clipping is advisable for long-haired dogs for hygienic rae-sons as well as for the dog's comfort. At one time it was generally thought that since dogs have few sweat glands in the skin it was unnecessary to clip them in hot weather. Some people even insisted that the long hair served as a protective insulation against heat. Our own experience with hundreds of long-haired dogs has convinced us that this reasoning is fallacious. Clipped dogs are definitely and obviously nudism comfortable in extreme heat. In addition, a clipped dog is more easily cared for. It requires less combing, keeps cleaner, and does not shed long hair throughout the house. It is also much less likely to get fleas or skin disease since many parasites prefer skin that is under heavy coats of long hair. If, in spite of clipping, your dog should get a skin disease, it is more readily curable and requires less medication than would be the case without clipping.
Most dogs are groomed by professionals who know how to do it correctly. Great skill in grooming is required to turn out a Poodle, for instance, in style. It generally pays to have the work done by those who know how. An amateur cuts off the hair all right, but sometimes the result resembles a moth-eaten garment. Professionals with efficient clip-per's do a much smoother job.
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Dog Grooming

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When you think of the condition of an animal's coat, you must consider both its hair and the skin under that hair.

You undoubtedly have noticed that when dogs are brought into the warmth of a house in cold weather they have a doggie odor than they do in warm weather. That is due largely to the greater secretion of sebum, a protective substance emitted by glands embedded in the ski nand deposited mostly against the shafts of the hair. To some extent it coats the skin, acting as a waterproofing agent helping it to shed rain and dampness, and it also serves as a protection against some types of bacteria. The sebum serves several useful purposes, but when it is allowed to accumulate on the dog's coat it may produce a strong odor that must be removed by bathing.

The animal's skin functions as an organ of the body, just as do the kidneys or liver. Its exposure subjects it to all kinds of abuse which better-protected organs never experience. In a healthy animal, glandular secretions of the skin keep the coat shiny. But a coat must be combed often. Dead hair must be removed and snarls untangled in all long-haired breeds. Only a comb or wire brush and elbow grease will accomplish this. Burrs most be removed by hand. Hard mats have to be cut with scissors. To do this, push the scissors under the wad, pointing them away Irons the body, and cut the wad in half. Large wads may be cut into massy sections which then comb or brush out with the least pairs to the pet. It is almost never necessary to do the easy thing - snip across the hair. With patience, all the dead hair can he separated Irons the wad, leaving a lovely coat.

Combing of long-haired dogs should he done as frequently as necessary to keep the coat in good condition. Animals should be taught floppy to stand or lie on a table or, in the case of a large dog, on the floor, and expect and abide combing.
Shorthaired animals need less attention. Some people take a hacksaw blade and drag it, like a comb, over the coat. The teeth catch the loose hairs and pull them out. The bare hand, moistened and rubbed over shorthaired dog's coat, will pull out many loose hairs and leave the coat looking glossier.

Soft-bristle brushes should not be the mainstay of grooming. Running brushes over the outside of a long-haired animal's coat accomplishes little in the way of loose hair removal. It does sweep out some of the finest skin scales, accumulated dust, and a few loose hairs. There are massy kinds of specialized brushes. Thousands of elaborate groom-in brushes, with wire bristles on one side and fiber bristles on the other, are available. You can get along very well with (1) a comb with very strong teeth, ten to fourteen to the inch, which can pull out snarl sand do rough work; (2) a fine comb with twenty teeth to the inch; (3) astron brush; and (4) a pair of scissors.
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Dog First Aid

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The principles of first aid that the dog owner needs to master are simple and relatively few, but they are of vital importance in handling emergencies. Whether an dog that has been injured is to recover quickly or slowly, whether it is to be completely restored or marked or scarred indeed, whether the dog is to survive at all often depends upon the treatment it gets immediately after it is hurt.

Shock. Any severe injury being hit by a car, burned, hurt in struggle or a fight or even severe fright may bring on shock. The dog usually seems to be prostrate in a semi-oblivious state, yet apparently anxious. The nervous system is in depression, sometimes so severe as to cause complete immobility. On the other hand, occasionally an dog may suffer the opposite effect, so that it seems to be in a state of nervous excitement. The pulse is slow and weak, the breathing is sal-low. Often, as the dog recovers, the pulse becomes too rapid and the temperature may drop well below normal.

First aid consists in covering the dog so its temperature will rise to normal. High artificial heat is not necessary if the dog is at home in familiar surroundings. Administer a stimulant, such as coffee, then le tit rest. Occasional fondling is often reassuring and helpful. Recovery may sometimes take an hour or more.
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Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 1, 2011

Dog Feeding Tip

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There are some general principles of feeding that are important to the health of every dog regardless of breed.

Nobody should have any difficulty understanding the fundamental rule: In feeding mature pets, the less they eat, compatible with keeping them in sound condition, the healthier they'll be and the longer they'll live. It goes without saying, of course, that they should have a complete and balanced diet. They should not he allowed to get too fat or too thin. If you try to keep them too thin, they may get too little of some essential ingredient; if you permit them to get too fat, you will shorten their lives.

In growing pets, the faster they grow the cheaper it is to raise them.But - will they live longer, be healthier? Probably the best rule for sound health arid longevity is to grow them moderately fast, but not to force them.

Nearly everyone overfeeds his or her pet. And almost every dog will eat zoo percent more than it needs. There are some dog, like some people, that never get fat even though they are chronically overfed. The way to feed your pet the way people who are good feeders do is to find just the amount that will maintain its weight and then give it no more. No rule is as important as this one. Your dog is happier if not burdened with unnecessary fat.
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Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 1, 2011

Dog FAQs

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1. What causes a dog to start shedding?
The lengthening of the day.

2. What causes a dog to have worms?
They arc part of nature and are usually contracted from the dog's in-gesting worm eggs.

3. Does a dog need lean meat?
No. It can live on dehydrated meat or without any meat at all.

4. Could a dog live on a vegetable diet?
Yes, with added vitamins and minerals.

5. Does milk make worms in dogs?
No. In fact, milk is an excellent food for dogs.

6. Does garlic kill worms?
There is no scientific evidence to substantiate this. Garlic seems tonourish tapeworms, causing them to shed more egg masses called seg-ments than they would shed without it.

7. At what age do bitches first come in heat?
At six to twelve months, depending on the breed and rapidity ofgrowth.

8. Does ground glass kill dogs quickly?
It usually doesn't even bother them and passes through without appre-ciably damaging the digestive tract.
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Dog Eyes

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Our dog's eyes require very little attention. The only hygiene necessary is the removal of surplus hair that may curl inward and irritate the eyes, and the removal of exudates from the inner corners where the tears of the eyes overflow in many breeds. Spaniels and Toy Poodles arc two breeds that often exhibit soiled spots below the inner corners of the eyelids which may discolor the hair. Pekingese dogs with large wrinkles of skin close to the eyes need to have the hair on these ridges kept short to prevent it from touching the eyeballs. Such hair may be kept matted down with Vaseline.

Most people believe that dogs such as Poodles, Old English Sheep-dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers, and many mongrels will become blind if the hair is clipped from in front of their eyes. This is not true. The hair may be harmful. These dogs sometimes have mats and caked areas where the eyes' secretions have built up a mass of material under which the skin is generally irritated. Only very fastidious owners who groom their dogs frequently should let hair grow long over the eyes. Even then the eyeballs may easily be injured.

Every hunter knows how dogs' eyes look the day after a hunt .Hounds hunt with heads to the ground, plowing through reeds, brush and tall grass. Seeds, dust, and vegetable fibers that fill their eyes are sometimes too coarse to wash out with tears and wind up caking around the eyes. In such cases, the eyes should be washed with warm water and dried with a soft cloth. Tears are a better antiseptic than boric acid. For comfort, administer a mild antiseptic like a nonprescription human eye irrigating fluid or ask your veterinarian for a prescription. It is wise to keep a supply of these drugs on hand for all dogs that have a tendency to sore eyes.
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Dog Eye Problems

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The most common problems of the eyelids that affect the eyes are tumors. Usually benign, they grow on the edges and often irritate the corneas by the constant blinking of the lids. Some tumors protrude away from the eyes and are only unsightly but those that irritate corneas should be removed surgically or blindness may result.

Small hairs growing in from the edges of the lids may also irritate the corneas, and this condition also necessitates surgery.

Some dog of the branchy (short-headed) breeds have folds of skin protruding so that hair constantly touches the corneas and this may be corrected by surgery or by matting the hair with Vaseline at least once daily.

An abnormal drooping of either eyelid or a turning in or out of a lid predisposes the eye to problems and should he surgically corrected.
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Dog Euthanasia

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The methods employed in euthanasia in the past - and, unfortunately, even today in some places - are largely responsible for the fact that so many people simply refused to consider ending a pet's life. They were shocking, inhumane, and often clumsy. Usually the animal was shot, gassed, or electrocuted. The drugs that were occasionally used were unsatisfactory: the injection of strychnine was certainly inferior even to shooting; ether and chloroform brought a kinder death but even with these there was considerable distress.

If your local humane society or dog warden is still using the methods of a decade or so ago, you will be doing a service to both the pets and pet owners in your community by talking with the proper authorities the possibilities of using pentobarbital.

There has been a heated debate over the use of the high altitude chamber for euthanasia and many states have seen fit to eliminate it by law. The animals do pass through at least an apprehensive period before unconsciousness.
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Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 1, 2011

Dog Emergency

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What is an emergency situation? Unlike beauty, which is in the eye of the beholder, many problems may appear to be panic-button problems that are not.

A dog with sudden loss of color in its mucous membranes is an emergency. So is a dog wills depression accompanied by a subnormal temperature, say. A sudden high fever with depression may indicate a problem with the temperature-regulating mechanism or the onset of an acute bacterial infection, such as pneumonia. Of course, heatstroke is a true emergency. An injury frost san automobile or from a fall frosts a high place may or may not need emergency treatment, depending on the signs displayed. Lacerations that bleed profusely and cannot be controlled are obvious emergencies.The known ingestion of a toxic substance is an obvious reason to seek emergency care, but usually this is not observed. If you should sea dog lapping the radiator fluid, ethylene chloride, that is an immediate emergency situation and not one in which to watch for signs a day or two later.
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Auto Draft

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Auto Draft

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Dog Drugs to Kill Internal Parasites

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Some of the worms that infest pets are flat worms (pathologists) and round worms (emollients). The drugs used to eradicate these worms are called antifeminist. This class of drugs is of vital importance to us all, since the most prevalent group of diseases which pets contract is caused by worms and external parasite infestation.

Most of the effective worm medicines cannot be purchased legally over-the-counter. They are prescription preparations that drugstores do not carry, which force the veterinarian to maintain supplies to dispense. This is necessary since with one exception each of the more effective preparations has specific problems associated with it. Your veterinarian will explain them to you.

Several of these drugs are given by injection. As some must not be administered to a dog with heart worms, a blood test for these parasites must prove negative before the medication can be safely given. No worm medicine is nap percent effective n.00 percent of the time, so don't be alarmed if one treatment is not successful. For example, tapeworm medication will digest the bodies of the worms but occasion-ally will not destroy the tapeworm heads. The remaining head requires about three weeks to develop into an eighteen-inch worm, which will start shedding terminal segments again, so it behooves you to watch freshly passed stools for new segments, the evidence needed to rewrote dog.
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Dog Drugs to Kill External Parasites

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Dozens of drugs can be used to kill insects, but some of them will kill mammals, including humans, if misused. The dangerous long-lived environmental polluters have been outlawed but many organophosphate still around. They are effective and sometimes spectacular in the sudden death of fleas when applied. Ticks arc difficult to kill and these products are useful; but for fleas you can use an old product, rotenone,which has a short life. Although it docs take longer to kill a flea, the flea is just as dead as if it were killed instantly by more dangerous drugs.

Rotenone and related resins are obtained from the roots of tropical plants, notably derris in the East Indies and cube in South and Central America; it is one of the most potent insect killers known. Pets can ea tit in small amounts, usually with no ill effects. It is more poisonous if inhaled, and is especially so if it gets into fresh open cuts.

Rotenone also kills fish. If you use it, don't allow rotenone to blow into the water in a fishpond. And don't allow a dog dusted for flea infestation to swim in water with fish in it.

Rotenone in dusts, diluted to i percent, is probably as safe a flea and louse powder as anything one could ask for. No dog should be put in closed box and dusted, since it is then forced to breathe the dust. It is hard to believe that pets could be so mistreated, but they often are by people who want to keep the powder off their clothes.
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Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 1, 2011

Dog Drugs Applied to Skin

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The person who did not own pets B.S.D. (before sulfa drugs) cannot possibly appreciate what their discovery has meant to pet owners. True, most sulfa drugs are outdated and most are being replaced for some purposes by the antibiotics, but veterinary medicine is now a far happier profession because of them.

The first to be discovered was sulfanilamide. Shortly thereafter unfounded claims were made for it as a cure all; it was said to be a specific for coccid, viruses, including distemper in dogs, and all kinds of bacteria. But further research showed that its field was very narrow that it killed only a limited number of bacteria and was ineffectual against viruses, coccid, warts, bad disposition, or in growing toe-nails! Moreover, it killed some patients.

One sulfa drug after another appeared for many years until so many shortcomings were observed that most have quietly faded away. How-ever, a few remain and are lifesavers. Others are returning to be used with other drugs much more effectively than by themselves.

Powdered sulfa drugs are often sifted into surgical incisions and wounds, where they are of great help. Now they are being used in solutions, such as in propylene glycol, and poured into inaccessible wounds where they often prove to he true miracle drugs.
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Dog Drugs and the Reproductive System

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Nearly every pet owner has wondered what drug he or she could use to advantage in some particular phase of a pet's reproduction cycle.ould males be made to stay home if certain drugs were fed to them?Could other drugs cause a bitch to dry up? Could a female hunting dog have her heat period postponed by drugs? Could anything be used to stop the undesirable results of a misdating? In each case, the answer is yes, and in these matters the veterinarian can often be of great assistance.

In the Male. Male dog have had all manner of drugs fed to them and injected into them to make them fertile and eager to mate. Some drugs make matters worse. There was a vogue for using testosterone until it became apparent that it was making dog sterile instead of fertile.

Several preparations have been used in attempts to encourage re-tai ned testicles to descend to their normal locations. It should be men-toned that retained testicles arc a genetic anatomical defect not influenced by medicinal products.

In the Female. Starting with preparation for breeding, certain vitamins are essential for reproduction. Chief of these is vita-min A. Vitamin E is essential for rats; despite the testimonials you may have seen to the contrary, it has not been demonstrated as necessary for other species.

What can you do if your bitch is bred by accident to an undesirable male? If she has been bred during the very first part of the acceptance period, breed her at once to the desired male. Then breed her every other day as long as she will accept him. The chances are good that her pups will be sired by the proper male. Of course, it will be necessary to observe the results for some months to be assured the resulting puppies are from the chosen mating's.
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Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 1, 2011

Wrasse Hog Fish

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The wrasse family is far more difficult to encompass than other families. Some of the wrasses grow to only 5-7.5 cm (2-3in), some grow to 60cm (24in); some are ideal in an invertebrate system, others would destroy the same set-up; some need to bury at nights, some need a cave, others require neither. So really the only way to examine the wrasses in a balanced way is to describe examples of each of the most popular groups.

Another marine is the birdbath (Orpheus). While the female is a brown, drab 10cm (4in) fish with a small snout, the male is a 15-18cm (6-7in) bottle green, dolphin-shaped beauty - the star character in any large tank. But the truly amazing feature of these fish is that they are hermaphrodite, bandit is quite possible to observe the drab, uninteresting females transform themselves in a feud, days.

Hogfish are closely related to the wrasses. There are half a dozen torso of this subspecies, and two or three of them are quite commonly seen. The Cuban hogfish (Bodkins) is imported either at about 5cm (2in) in its juvenile markings or, more often, asa I 5 cm (6in) adult. It is usually quite inexpensive. Although hogfish are suitable companions for virtually any other fish, they will soon mess up an invertebrate system.
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Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 1, 2011

Trigger Fish

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Trigger FishTrigger fish is very famous aquarium fish. The trigger fish family is fairly small but quite widespread, one specie seven finding its way as far north as the English Channel. They are so-called on account of a locking spine at the front of the dorsal fin, which the fish uses to wedge itself into caves and openings. Triggers can be bought at any size from 2.5 to 23cm (1-9in) and their hardiness and nitrite tolerance make them suitable fish for beginners, but choose their companions with care. All the triggers grow to a large size and the family has a reputation for aggressive behavior, which is not altogether unfounded. In the wild, triggers eat crustaceans, sea urchins, etc., so never put them in an invertebrate tank. Feeding them in captivity presents no problem, as they will eat anything with their strong, sharp teeth - including your fingers if you are not careful!
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Tetra Fish

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Tetras are some of the smallest and most beautiful aquarium fishes; in fact, they include some of the smallest fishes in the world. Nearly all tetras are shoaling fish in nature and will shoal in the aquarium too, if given the chance. Shoaling is their form of protection. Should predator attack the shoal then the sudden movement of one fish triggers panic reaction throughout the shoal. With all the fish moving indifferent directions at the same time, the hope is that the predator will miss its prey and the tetras will escape. That is the theory, but it doe snot always work in practice. Many tetras are naturally insectivorous and appreciate being offered small live foods in the aquarium. They make ideal community fish and will live peacefully with all other fishes.They are mid water swimmers and feeders and very active - in fact, the yare continuously on the go. In a gentle mixed community, Cardiograms, live bearers and other small, non-aggressive fish make Goodman for tetras.

A typical tetra tank should contain plenty of plants, thickly packed around the back and sides of the tank, with a large clearing in the middle. Tetras do not seem to mind whether the tank lighting is bright or subdued. They are not timid, provided they are kept in small shoals of five or more. Ideally, the water in their tank should be soft and acidic, which you can achieve by filtering the water through peat and using plenty of bog wood for decor. However, tetras will do very well in all water compositions, as long as the water is kept clean by making regular partial water changes of about 15 percent of the aquarium capacity. When carrying out water changes, make sure that the temperature does not drop very much, as tetras are less hardy than some other aquarium fishes.
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Synodontis Cat Fish

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Synodontis are a group of catfishes from Africa. Many are natives of the great African lakes, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi. They are very active fishes, but most are nocturnal. Many Synodontis are insectivorous but usually accept flake foods, very small pieces of meat and, naturally, aquatic invertebrates. Synodontis are also partial to garden peas and will often race out of their cave to feed on them. Of the many Synodontis species, about five spend more than SO percent of their time swimming upside-down. Synodontis catfishes usually do welling the average aquarium and species from the Rift Lakes make good companions for the African Rift Lake cichlids.

Synodontis factionists from the Zaire River and pool sin Central Africa. It is one of the smaller Synodontis species, with exceptional specimens growing to maximum of 2Ocm(8in). The golden-yellow bars seen in healthy young specimens make it a popular choice .Feeding this long-lived species is simple, as the fish avidly consumes most small frozen and dried foods, as well as flakes and pellets. It benefits from the addition of small live foods.such as Daphnia and My sis shrimp.

The stunning angel catfish(Synodontis angelic us) has a blackbody completely overlaid with white dots. The striped fins are transparent in places. Co lour varies between fishes; some have many spots, other shave thistle bars and spots. The angel catfish thrives in most types of water at about 2.5.°C(77°F). In a good-sized tank, it grows to about 20cm(8in).
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Surgeon Fish

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The first question to answer is what is the difference between surgeonfish and a tang? Well, the answer is that there is no difference; some of the fish in the group are invariably known as tangs, such as the regal tang, while others are known as surgeons, such as the clown surgeon, and a few are known by both names, e.g. the achilles tang or achilles surgeon. Here, we use both names, with no biological difference intended.

Surgeons are so-called because of their 'scalpels', the two sharp bony points on either side of the body at the base of the tail fin. The scalpels can give a nasty cut to a clumsy human, but are very rarely used on other fish. Perhaps being wise to the dangers, other fish are not stupid enough to tangle with the surgeons or indeed with the tangs, which also have these weapons.

Tangs and surgeons are magnificent fish, sporting the boldest and brightest markings. They are a good size, they grow steadily, they are relatively hardy, they cause very few problems with other fish and the yare easy to feed. They are safe with tiny and large fish alike, and the yare ideal inhabitants for an invertebrate tank.
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Suckermouth Saltwater Fish

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There are many different forms of sucker mouth catfishes, with a great deal of variety in shape and size. Leucotomy is a catch-all name foremost of the common sucker mouth fish seen in aquarium shops. The name comes from the second part of the scientific name Hypotenuse, a particular species that is probably hardly ever on sale.Most owners lump together their fish with the name `pled', usually withal prefix such as 'clown' pled or 'blue-eyed' pled. Sucker mouth catfishes .play an important role in the aquarium. Whereas most other catfishes scavenge on food left behind by other fish, sucker mouths will search allover the tank for certain algae as a food source and thus keep the tank partially free of this often unwanted plant growth.

However, there mayhem insufficient algal growth to meet their needs, so supplement their diet with peas and lettuce. Most of these catfishes eat all the usual aquarium foods, but can only manage very small particles. Any food that is put in the aquarium for them tends to be sucked up rather than chewed!Many sucker mouth catfishes are nocturnal and tend to hide behind plants or under rocks during the day, but most will make an appearance in daylight hours, especially if food is placed in the tank. Nevertheless,it is a good idea to drop some food in the tank for them just before the lights go out at night, but make sure that it will sink; like most catfishes, sucker mouths are usually bottom-dwellers. Whiptail's require well-filtered, mature water, that is high in oxygen. If the oxygen content of the water is severely depleted, these fish will rise to the surface for atmospheric air, which they are able to absorb through the hind gut. They are highly intolerant of aquarium medications containing ethylene blue and have been known to jump from the water to escape such treatments.
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Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 1, 2011

Siamese Fighting Fish

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The infamous Siamese fighting fish (Beta slenderness) is only aggressive towards its own kind. It conies from Thailand (formerly Siam), 1,here it lives in small pools and ditches. Each male Beta has its own small territory, where it builds and repairs its bubble nest, defending it avidly from any other male Beta. If two males come together, they fight so viciously that if neither retreats then at least one will die. Male fighters are easy to keep in a tank, but never keep two males together. It is also unwise to keep females with males unless the intention is to breed them. Males are often overly aggressive to females that do not wish to spawn.

To breed Siamese fighting fish, set up a tank with a low water level -about I5cm(6in) - and no filtration to cause movement at the water surface. Add some hiding places for the female and a tightly fitting lid to trap a layer of warm air. Place the male and female in the tank with divider between them and feed them heavily with live food. Raise the temperature to 28°C(83°F). The male will build a nest of bubbles in one of the top corners and then go in search of the female. At this point,carefully lift the divider and, if all goes well, the female will be enticed under the nest, where the fish embrace, with the male wrapped around the female. She then expels her eggs and the male fertilizes them. As they fall to the bottom, the male catches them in his mouth and places them within the bubble nest. The female lies motionlessly on her side under the nest, and the sequence is repeated until all the eggs are laid .Remove the female at this stage. The male tends the nest, and the fry hatch out after about two days. Remove the male three days later. The free-swimming fry need microscopic live food, such as infuser, to begin with, graduating to newly hatched brine shrimp. After another week, the labyrinth gland starts to develop and there may be many losses at this point. After a further two weeks, the males start bickering,and you can safely separate them into their own little jars.
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Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 1, 2011


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Although these fish are often referred to as sharks, there is no chance of losing an arm or a leg to any of them! The word shark has become assigned to them because they have a very active and similar swimming pattern to the marine terror. These sharks are relatively peaceful, although they can chase the odd tank occupant about a little. Other fishes may find their activity disruptive.

The red-finned shark (Labor earthnuts) is a close cousin of the red-tailed black shark and also stems from Asia. The body shape is virtually the same, except that this species is slightly more slender than its cousin. The body co lour is a deep and all the fins are orange or red. This fish grows to about 15cm (6in) or little more and requires the same care and feeding as the red-tailed black shark.
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Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 1, 2011

Piranha Fish

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Piranha FishIt may seem hard to believe that piranhas should be related to the gentle little fishes that make up the majority of the characin group, but it is true. At up to 30cm (12in) long, piranhas are very much larger than tetras, but do not deserve the nasty reputation they have acquired over the years. In the aquarium, at least, the piranha is a relatively shy, retiring creature. Stories of piranhas in the dark Amazonian rainforests reducing cattle to skeletons in minutes are true, but this occurs in a river system where piranhas live in great shoals of 300 fishes or more and become very hungry. Many people keep piranhas with a sort of morbid fascination for what might happen, and give the impression that they would be quite pleased if the fish bit them as evidence of their macho capabilities! Keep young piranhas in a tank at least 120cm (48in) long, but provide a larger aquarium as they grow. Similar in shape to piranhas and also from northern South America, the Pac us can also be kept in a large tank.
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Neotropical Cichlid

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Neotropical Cichlid are fish that range in behavior from pacifist to antagonistic; in fact, the names angels and devils are particularly appropriate. These cichlids require Allaire aquarium and plenty of food. They make a lot of mess and need large, regular water changes. Their real attraction is that many of them have an intelligence lacking in nearly all other fish - and most theatricals for that matter. These fish will move gravel and rocks with purpose - usually to stake out a territory and entice a mate. They recognize their owner, rushing to the tank glass for food when ever hoer she approaches, and often shun strangers. Some can be taught to perform simple tricks with the inducement of an extra meal, something these greedy beasts always appreciate. When these cichlids breed, they care for the free-swimming young for quite some time, defending the minute babies from all potential predators, often regardless of the predator's size. Unfortunately, most of the larger neotropical cichlids are much bigger and more aggressive than, say, the gentle angelfish. These brutes can fight and remove scales from each other with ease, and yet they are very popular in the home aquarium and, indeed, very easy to keep, provided their requirements are met. Firstly, they need an appropriately large tank, at least 90cm(36in) long, and even a tank this size will not house many specimens. Within this space they can exercise their normal territorial behavior; these fish become very possessive particular patch and will guard it fiercely from all rivals. Large cichlids eat a great deal of food and often make quite a mess wit hit. Large, regular water changes are therefore essential and a good mechanical filter to assist the biological filter is a help. Lastly, it is ago od idea to stock fish of varying sizes and co lour patterns if you want them to live together in relative peace, as these fish tend to be most aggressive towards loyalties.
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Loach Fish

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Loaches are a small group of scavengers that make up the Coincide family of fishes. They are very active, nocturnal bottom-dwellers. The booties and some colitis possess a spine in front of the eye that they can raise to inflict considerable damage on other fishes or on the unwary Aquarius. Most of aches seen in aquariums are from Southeast Asia, where they live in muddy, oxygen-depleted waters. They gulp air at the surface and absorb oxygen in the gut lining to compensate.

The weather loath (Misogynous) comes from Asia -from Siberia, China, Korea through to Japan. Although the gold form has the normal coloration Lisa light brown background with dark brown blotches, giving the fish mottled appearance. The common name derives from the fish's alleged sensitivity to changes in air pressure.

The rangefinder (Bootie modest) is identical in care and feeding requirements to the clown load,. It does not grow qui teas large, 13cm (Sin) being an excellent size. This peaceful little bottom-dweller is an undemanding tank occupant and an ideal scavenger. It chases greedily after all foods and becomes charged with life at meal times!
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Malawi Cichlid

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The cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika in Africa are overcool, highly aggressive, hardy, easy to breed and make a superb display. They require a good under gravel filtration system, as they ar every intolerant of nitrite and soon react adversely if any waste matter disallowed to build up in the tank. These fish tend to dig into the grave land excavate down to the under gravel filter plate, unless there is gravel tidy to prevent this. Rift Lake cichlids need plenty of rocks among which to establish territories. Unfortunately, many Rift Lake cichlids are fond of nibbling vegetation and this, coupled with their digging habits, does not encourage healthy plant growth. Plastic plants are an alternative, but anchor them into the gravel with rocks to prevent them being uprooted. Keep the water in a Rift Lake cichlid tank at about 25.5°C(78°F) and make sure it is well aerated, hard and alkaline. Carry out regular water changes of 25 percent to keep the water free of any waste build-up. Most of these fish like to graze on algae on the rocks in the tank; good lighting encourages algal growth.
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Lion Fish

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Lion FishLion fishes, turkey fishes, scorpion fishes, call them what you will, these fish are both dangerous and very poisonous to human sand must be handled with care or, more accurately, not handled at all. The first seven spines of the dorsal fin carry an extremely toxic poison - verging on lethal - and only a foolhardy Aquarius would try to touch the eighth spine. However, lion fishes are hardy and nitrite-tolerant, long-lived, slow-moving and quite good aquarium fish. The lionfish rarely attacks other aquarium fish, as long as these will not fit readily into its open mouth, and only uses its spines in de fence, whether against human or fishy predators. Do not put lion fishes with mobile invertebrates, which form their staple diet in the wild. Sometimes they are difficult to feed in captivity. In the wild, they gorge themselves periodically, so once imported they must be weaned off live food and onto frozen lance fish and similar foods. In the wild they 'hang' under ledges, and are happier if given similar protection in an aquarium.

The best-known lionfish is Terrorism volitions, usually seen at 10-15cm (4-6in). Its finn age is longer than that of other lionfish antenatal and P, sp hex, are often referred Taos the spot fin lionfish. The regal lionfish, P. radiate, is also popular. There are two types of dwarf clingfishes rarely grow to more than 7.5-10cm (3-4in) in captivity, Encroachers and D. brachyurous.
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Labyrinth Fish

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Anabaptism are a very popular group of fishes from Asia and Africa, most of which are known as georamas. These fish have a special extra breathing organ called the 'labyrinth',which is a bunch of folded tissues with many blood vessels within it. This organ enables the fishes to extract the oxygen from air taken in at the surface, which is very useful in water with low oxygen levels. However, georamas have evolved to depend so much on this organ that now they cannot exist without regularly taking air from the surface, regardless of the water's oxygen content. The air is also used to construct what are usually described as `bubble nests'. The male fishes build these nests on the surface of the water with air and their saliva and attach them to any floating debris. Most anabatic are undemanding and relatively peaceful compared to other fishes,although often they do not get along too well with their own kind.

The pearl, or lee ri, Agoura(Trichinas lee ri) grows to 10cm(4in). Its long, compressed body is blue-brown with a smothering of pearl spots. Maintain the water at 2.5.5°C(78°F) and carry out regular water changes. The fish accept all foods, but relish lire food. They spawn in a bubble nest; raise the fry on liquid fry food or brine shrimp.

In the three-spot Agoura(Trichinas tricksters) the body is light blue with several darker vertical patches. There is a black spot in the middle of the body and at the base of the tail, and the eye makes up the third spot. There are several other variants of this species,including light blue specimens with no spots or even gold specimens.Take care when keeping this species in pairs, as male scan he very aggressive towards females and may bully them to death if there is no escape. Provide plants for cover and some open space for the fish to swim around in. These fish accept all foods, but prefer live food.
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Killi Fish

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Killifish, or egg laying tooth carps as they are sometimes described, are a very colorful group of usually small, fishes. Most come from Africa, but some are found in the Americas, Asia and Europe. Unfortunately, they do not make very good community fish and are certainly not the best choice for beginners. Killifish usually come from very soft-water regions,which also tend to be acidic in composition, although a few are founding more alkaline and harder water areas. The fish often live in shaded areas of rainforest, trapped in small pools, where water temperatures may fall as low as 2.19C(70°F) or lower. If you wish to keep Killifish inane aquarium, you must provide the appropriate water conditions,otherwise they are unlikely to survive for very long. This being so and because most other species (apart from some tetras and a few others) do not really thrive in such conditions, it is easy to see why Killifish are usually kept only with their own kind.

Another problem is that they are naturally short lived. In fact, some species may live for less than a year in the wild, so if these fish are kept in poor conditions, their life span can be shortened dramatically, all of which could be disheartening for someone who is keeping aquarium fishes for the first time.
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Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 1, 2011

Hawk Fish

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Hawk fishes are smallish predators that readily adapt to aquarium life. Most species rarely grow more than 7.5-10crn (3-4in) in length, so as long as they are not housed with tiny fish or smallish shrimps, they can be put with most other available animals. Hawk fishes spend most of their time perched on rocks and ledges watching the world go by - the yare not 'dozy' like lion fishes, for instance, but alert and upright, even though they are stationary. When something takes their interest, whether it be food or a threat, they dart off the rock in a saw like in order to investigate, hence their common name. These excellent community fish never cause problems with other inhabitants; if regularly fed they can live for tn any years in captivity.

The most spectacular is the langouste (Boyishness typhus), which can be housed safely with almost anything except shrimps. It is quite expensive. The spotted (Cirrhotic) is more reasonably priced; it probably embodies the ideal, typical beginner's fish better than any other.
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Hatchet Fish

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Several types of hatchet fish form another little group of very popular fishes. The main apparent difference between them is their coloration, otherwise they require much the same in terms of care and feeding are surface-feeders and dwellers. They can rise progressively above the surface in much the same way as a hydrofoil and often skim over the surface of the water for up to 2m (6.5ft). This is because they have developed long pectoral fins that they can 'beat' like wings. Be sure to attach a very tightly fitting cover over any tank containing hatchet fishes. The most commonly seen species in the aquarium hobby is the silver hatchet fish (Gastropod stencil). It grows to about 6.5cm (2.6in) and thrives in soft, slightly acidic water Bata temperature of about 26°C (79°F).

The three-lined pencil fish (Monotonous trifocals) is a small, very peaceful fish from South America that grows to about (2in). The body shape is very long and slim, with a pointed snout and tiny mouth. The water should be kept at about 26°C (79°F) and he soft and very slightly acidic. The fish enjoys live foods, but it will eat frozen, as well as freeze-dried and flake food. Small tetras, linebackers Cordovans catfishes are ideal partners for this pencil fish.
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Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 1, 2011

Guppy Fish

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The guppy must be one of the best-known tropical aquarium fishes, as well as one of the most beautiful and prolific. It is not aggressive to any degree and can be kept with any other fish that will not be aggressive towards it or grow big enough to eat it. Guppies make no special demands regarding care and will survive in less than perfect conditions(although this is no excuse to neglect them). The guppy originates from Central America and the northern part of South America. In its natural state, it is a relatively uninteresting fish with very little coloration, but over the years, fish breeders have developed various highly coloreds and forms with greatly elaborated fins. This breeding work has been concentrated on the male fishes, which even in the relatively drab wild specimens show more co lour than the females. Depending on the particular aquarium-bred strain, the dorsal fin may either be small or massively flowing, but the male's tail will always be like a long flowing scarf. The tail may he one of several different shapes, depending on the breed, and will also have various names, such as 'delta tail', `velar or`fantail', and so on. The colors of these fish are absolutely stunning.Agai, depending on the particular strain of guppy, it may be red, blue,green, black or any combination of these and any other colors, too.The colors may extend across the body right up to the head. Females
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Grouper Fish

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Groupers are another of those misnamed fish, since in the wild they live completely alone, one per cave - the original hermit! In an aquarium, you should not attempt to keep two of the same species together, and it is also unwise to try and keep two of any sort of groupers together. They are exceedingly hardy, nitrite-tolerant, easy to feed and disease-resistant. The grouper likes to lurk at the cave entrance, just darting out occasionally to warn off intruders or to grab a passing meal. Feed this carnivorous fish on solid chunks of food, such as mussel meat and lance fish, and make sure that its tank mates are larger than the grouper's mouth. Furnish the aquarium with an overhang large enough to accommodate your chosen fish. Groupers grow quite rapidly - in the tropics they are regarded as a prime food fish.

Closely related to the groupers are the snappers, another very large food fish. Snappers are shoaling fish that swim very powerfully and with great agility, making them difficult to catch, even in a tank. They are very hardy, nitrite-tolerant and easy to feed. Snappers grow very quickly and are capable of doubling their size in a few weeks. They are not particularly aggressive, but their very size precludes them from the average home aquarium. Avoid buying juvenile emperor snappers (Lufthansa seabed), for example, because they soon outgrow their tank.

The panther fish, Coronado, grouper (Chronicle hive) is suitable for an aquarium containing triggers and lionfish. It is a little less solitary than other groupers. Another untypical grouper is the marine beta (Calliopes & veils), a beautifully marked, lowbrow swimmer.
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File Fish

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The file fishes are closely related to triggers and often included in the same family but, superficially at least, they are quite different. Filefish not particularly hardy, they are not nitrite tolerant, they do not have hard trigger, their scales are quite different, they grow very slowly in captivity, they are shy and retiring and not very easy to feed. In that they are peaceful, they make good aquarium fish, but they have small mouths and do not eat vegetable matter, so feed them little and often.

There are a number of comparatively peaceful species that, although not suitable for an invertebrate aquarium, would normally fit in with smaller fish. The best-known is the blue trigger (Odon us Niger), a fish with a lovely swimming action; the pink-tailed trigger (Melichthys vidua) and the white-tailed trigger (Suamen chrysoptera). Mostly file fishes grow up to 6 inches.

Colored Filefish

The head of the Colored File fish is black in color therefore the file fish is also known as Blackheaded file fish. File fish’s body color can be red or orange therefore it can have a red tail or orange tail depending on the body color of the file fish and the head can be gray to black in color. This fish is very quiet in nature and she doesn’t show any aggression towards other fishes. It requires 30 gallon tank or even more than that and the aquarium should not contain invertebrates. Initially it is difficult to feed the colored file fish. In the diet of the file fish the aquarium owner should include squid, scallop, mysis shrimp, freeze-dried krill soaked in a vitamin supplement, frozen marine algae etc. Colored file fish should be fed three times a day.
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Gobby Fish

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The typical gobby is a small, tube-shaped fish, perhaps about 5-10cm (2-4in) long and often drably colored. It spends most of its life scurrying along the sand. Many gobbies live in small caves or among coral branches and many enjoy a symbiotic relationship with other animals, most notably with certain species of shrimps. Since most gobbies are very hardy and disease-resistant and never cause compatibility problems, the small percentage of brightly species make excellent aquarium inhabitants. They are generally easy to feed on a wide range of readily available foods, including meat foods, dried foods and brine shrimps. These fascinating little fishes are widely available at dealers and not expensive.

The very popular white fire fish is a burrowing fish imported in large numbers. The equally popular golden-headed sleepier (Helotries striates) is a gorgeously marked fish, with more subtle coloration than most marine fishes. It lives in a self-made tunnel it’s the sand, maintaining an early vertical position, with just its head poking out. These fishes have typically large eyes set high up on their blunt snouts.
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Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 1, 2011

Dwarf Cichlid

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Cichlids are an amazingly diverse group of fishes that almost form a complete hobby on their own. Most of them come from South and Central America and Africa, with a couple of species from Asia. The smallest species only grow to Scam(2in),whereas the largest reach over 60cm(24in). Some are highly colorful,whereas others are quite drab. Some cichlids are flat and laterally`squashed' in shape, while others are cylindrical. Certain species are totally peaceful, whereas others are the most ill-tempered and aggressive fish that we know. All cichlids are territorial, some more so than others.Most are relatively easy to breed and this is where their true attraction lies, for they look after their young with the greatest care and devotion.In the past, most cichlids were regarded as difficult to keep, due to their aggression and size and, indeed, some are specialist fish. Today,however, with larger tanks.and a greater knowledge of their needs, envenom autarkists can keep cichlids with great success.

The delightful fairy cichlids(Lampoons Richard) only grow to 10cm(4in). They will breed in little groups in a tank measuring at least1m(39in) long, with rocks to form spawning sites and hard, alkaline water at 25.5°C(78°1). When a pair spawn, the rest of the fairies in the community help maintain and guard the young. As the young grow, the larger fish breed again and the young help to look after the next clutch of eggs and fry; thus a whole community of caring fishes develops.

The cockatoo dwarf cichlid(Pictogram factories) may fly out from its territory to chase off intruders, but is generally peaceful.The first few rays of the dorsal fin stick tap like a head-dress, but the body colors are not as startling as winsome Pistols'. Females are banana yellow with a black band through the eye and a smaller head-dress.
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Danios and razors are some of the most popular of the small, gentle community fishes and perhaps the least aggressive of all aquarium fishes. They are easy to maintain, although not very robust. Most remain towards the upper layer of the water and so complement fishes that frequent the lower waters, such as catfishes and loathes. Providing they are fed small, frequent meals and are not housed with larger aggressive fish, they remain trouble-free and are excellent for beginners.

The harlequin fish, or harlequin Astoria, (Ashore) is a small, peaceful fish, often seen in tropical aquariums.It is quite deep towards the front of the body around the belly, but tapers to a very narrow tail. All the fins are clear and the body has a lovely pinkish-blue hue. The rear half of the body is distinguished by a black marking that follows the body shape.hese beautiful little community fish only grow to about 4cm(1.6in) and do best when kept in a shoal. They make good tank mates for Danios anniversaries and thrive in the same conditions. Harlequins eat flake, live or freeze-dried foods, such as Daphnia or brine shrimp. They do not spawn as readily as Danios and will need soft acidic water in the aquarium for breeding to be successful.
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Cyprinids are very widespread throughout the world. The group includes some of the more familiar aquarium species, such as barbs, and also many of the common non-tropical, such as goldfish and carp. These species vary greatly in size; some barbs only grow to 7.5cm(3in) or less, whereas some of the larger carp can grow to over 60cm(24in) and weigh as much as 22.5kg (501b).Many of these fish prefer to live in shoals, although they can become `loners' to quite an extent as they get older.

Very often, they have an appetite for vegetable matter, so plants within their aquarium may be subject to attack. You may not notice what is happening until the plants begin to look ragged or disappear entirely. Even then, you may suspect another source of attack, such as snails, before identifying the seemingly harmless barb as the culprit. Another frequent and annoying habit of some cyprinids is nipping the fins of other fishes, particularly those with long flowing Finn age or extended fins, such as angelfish, for instance.
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Cat Fish

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Many of the popular tropical aquarium cat fishes originate from South and Central America, Africa and Asia. Most are rather drably colored, mainly because they need good camouflage to avoid predation. As they usually frequent the bottom, the ideal colors are brown and black. Many have poor sight, as they are often nocturnal or live in silt-laden waters. To compensate for this, catfishes have developed barbells, which recovered in taste receptors. Barbells may be long and used for hunting, basin the pummeled or, as in the Cordovans catfishes, short and used to burrow and tease their way into the gravel to detect food or insects. Some catfishes scavenge at the bottom for tasty morsels, others amendatory swimmers that feed mainly on insect larvae. Large predatory species hunt for small live fish, a few feed on fruit and seeds and some of the most bizarre species are parasitic - even to the extent of feeding on other catfishes.
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Butterfly Fish

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Marine butterfly fish are closely related to marine angels, but are quite different in both appearance and in habits .Butterflies are very widespread throughout the world's tropical seas wherever there are coral reefs. They rely heavily on the reefs for food, as well as for protection, and would not normally stray even a few metes away from their natural home. Butterflies have a small mouth and need to peck at food constantly; consequently they are slow growers, rarely exceeding 15crn(6in) langouste are not fast swimmers and have no natural protection against predators other than camouflage. Therefore, not surprisingly, they are shy and rather sensitive fish. Never put butterflies with boisterous fish, such as damsels and triggers, as they cannot compete either for territory or for food.

Translating butterflies' natural lifestyle into a captive environment requires careful consideration. Firstly, with only two exceptions, butterflies are unsuitable for invertebrate systems, since they readily attack and eat coral heads, anemones, tubeworm's, cucumbers, etc. Since keeping them in a home aquarium denies these fish their natural foodstuffs, it is vital to take note of their dietary requirements and to provide them with frequent small meals. Since they cannot consume much food at one meal, the only chance of keeping them alive for reasonable time is to provide frequent 'snacks'.
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Blenny Fish

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The blenny family is very similar to the gobies. Blenny fish is also generally drab, smallish, bottom-dwelling fish, and some species do not obviously fit into either family. Blennies are just as hardy as the gobies and ideal for beginners, although there are perhaps not as many varieties from which to choose as fewer are imported. The bicolor blenny (Escenius to live in a small hole in the rocks, pulcher) is a very slimy, slithery fish, constantly darting out inquisitively 5-7.Scm (2-Sin) in length. It chooses and returning with equal speed.

Bicolor Blenny

Bi means two, so this blenny fish is also known as two colored blenny. It is a mixture of dull brown and dull orange color. A male has a larger body in comparison to female blenny fish and they change their color very often, you can see blue color of male blenny while breeding. Blenny fishes show the sign of great qualities in the aquarium. There are different opinions about the blenny fish some people says that they are not safe with other fishes; others say that they are very quite fish. In the diet of the blenny fish there should be included vegetable matters and food including blue green algae.
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Box Fish

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Some of the box fishes are so cute that they simply cannot he ignored they are also known as yellow box fish. These fish are cube or cuboids in shape, and have a hard exterior (though not a retrospection). The hardened skin is only softer around the eyes, mouth and fins, so these fish swim as though in a straightjacket. They are very slow swimmers, though quittance, and settle down well to aquarium life, although they are obviously not adept at battling for food. Smaller species fit well into invertebrate systems.

One word of caution - many box fishes species give off a poison if severely threatened. This does not occur very regularly, but in the confines of an aquarium the result is invariably total wipe-out, so choose their companions carefully. It may he best to introduce the box fishes to the aquarium first before adding other fishes. Box fish release toxic gases after their death also, it happens automatically from their body so after the death of box fish just remove its body as soon as possible otherwise it can be harmful for other fishes in the aquarium. They are generally kept alone in the aquarium. Therefore breeding these fishes is not as successful as breeding other fishes. Box fish prefer to eat live blood worm, algae, sponges, crustaceans, mollusks etc, for this they put their mouth in the mud-covered or sandy bottom.
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Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 1, 2011

Coty Doras

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Of all the tropical aquarium catfishes, Cordovans catfishes must be the most popular. There are many types of Cordovans, a group of very small, well-armored catfishes from South America, with a variety ocular patterns depending on their native habitat. If at all possible, setup the aquarium to simulate the slow-moving rivers of South America,where these catfishes come from. Introduce plenty of plants, somehow and fine gravel to make them feel at home. A tank containing only Cordovans catfishes does not make a very good community, as the fish tend to spend most of the time at the bottom of the tank, leaving the top half looking empty. Cordovans catfishes often take gasps of air from the atmosphere, so do not he alarmed if your fish make a sudden split-second dash from the bottom to the surface; this behavior is totally normal. These busy little beavers are seen in nearly every home community tank and most are easy to keep, although a few can be quite delicate. They prefer their water to be slightly cooler than most theosophical but will quite happily live at the optimum temperature of24°075°F). However, some species need very specific water conditions,especially if they are wild-caught fish, so check before buying.
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Bird Flu

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The bird flu or the avian influenza is caused by a bird influenza virus. The virus is usually carried in the intestines by wild birds traveling for long distances. In most cases the virus does not affect the birds. Though the birds usually do not get sick even if they are carrying the virus, yet the virus is highly contagious and can easily spread from one bird to another. The infected birds secrete contagious saliva, nasal secretions and fecal matters which act as the medium of viral transference to other birds.

The bird flu usually causes two main types of influenza. The low pathogenic flu usually goes undetected and the side effects consist of birds having ruffled feathers and a drop in egg laying capacity. The higher pathogenic case is highly contagious and spread rapidly. The internal organs of the infected bird get affected adversely. In most cases the influenza of higher pathogenic is fatal with a mortality rate of 90 % to 100%. To add to the severity of the disease, the infected birds die within 48 hours of in contact with the virus.

There are kinds of A type of virus causing influenza. They differ from one another due different protein compositions, hemagglutinin [HA] and neuraminidase [NA] proteins. Till now16 known HA types and 9 known NA types of influenza has been discovered and all the types are found to quite active in birds.

Bird Flu Human Heath Risks

The virus of the bird flu generally does not infect the humans but since the year 1997 reports of humans being infected by the A type virus have come up. The source of the virus for the humans is the infected birds from the poultry firms. There are mainly three kinds of influenza virus, H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2 that are able to infect the humans. But the A types viruses are rapidly changing and soon they might develop to infect humans.
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