Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 1, 2011

Hanging Bird House

Birds like wrens and finches that generally nestle in tree cavities get attracted by the hanging bird house. The hanging bird houses are to be suspended from above and ideally should be hanged to a tree branch. The houses that are hanged to a tree give a feeling of comfort and security to the birds. But while hanging the houses to a tree branch make sure that the hanging bird house is located to such a place which would be safe from the attacks of predators like raccoons, snakes, opossums, fire ants, cats and such. Hanging of bird houses at proper location and in proper ways will attract birds to inhabit the place.

Hanging bird houses are available in stores. You would find hanging houses of variety of designs. Some houses are specially designed to attract specific species of birds. You may purchase a bird house while browsing online stores as well. Select a popular online shopping portal and purchase them through online shopping cart system. In case you are willing to make a bird house on your own the following tips would help you to build a hanging bird house.

Hanging Bird House Building Tips
Make a wooden cube shaped box.
Drill a hole on one of the walls of the box as the entrance hole.
Paint the external part of the walls with wood preservatives. You are recommended not to paint the inner walls of the houses as it might be poisonous for the birds residing inside.
Make eyes on either side of the head of the box in order to fix the string to facilitate mounting.
The thread should be with ferrules fitted along with it. Tread the cable string through the eye bolts. The snap fitting should also be used in order to join the ends to the bird house.
In order to hang the bird house to a tree trunk you may use very loose chafe guarded wires to be attached around the tree trunk. For for hanging the bird house you may use the inside sections of an old garden hose or plastic tube as a cable. Loop the wire to the branch of the tree and then dangle them loosely. Select the branch of a tree that is strong enough to hold the house.

Birds generally do not accept the bird house that has already been used for brooding. In case your house has already been used once, you are recommended to clean the house properly. After cleaning hang the house and wait for birds to nestle down. After few weeks you can check the presence of birds inside the house by tapping it. If you can not listen to any voice, open the upper cover of the bird house. Do not worry if you find the house to be occupied with eggs or chicks. Gently screw the top of the house again. In case your house is still not been occupied by birds brush the walls of the house properly in order to remove the critters like the lice, ticks and such.
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