Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 1, 2011

Dog FAQs

1. What causes a dog to start shedding?
The lengthening of the day.

2. What causes a dog to have worms?
They arc part of nature and are usually contracted from the dog's in-gesting worm eggs.

3. Does a dog need lean meat?
No. It can live on dehydrated meat or without any meat at all.

4. Could a dog live on a vegetable diet?
Yes, with added vitamins and minerals.

5. Does milk make worms in dogs?
No. In fact, milk is an excellent food for dogs.

6. Does garlic kill worms?
There is no scientific evidence to substantiate this. Garlic seems tonourish tapeworms, causing them to shed more egg masses called seg-ments than they would shed without it.

7. At what age do bitches first come in heat?
At six to twelve months, depending on the breed and rapidity ofgrowth.

8. Does ground glass kill dogs quickly?
It usually doesn't even bother them and passes through without appre-ciably damaging the digestive tract.

9. Can you tell the age of a dog by its teeth?
Its second set starts to erupt at fourteen weeks of age and are all in byfive and a half months. Beyond that, teeth are a poor indication of age.

10. Is distemper the only disease that !caves pits in the tootle enamel?
No. There area number of febrile diseases puppies can have at teethingtime which leave pits.

11. Do dogs have eczema?
They have a skin disease that is called eczema.

12. How can I improve my dog's coat?
For each ten pounds of body weight, add a teaspoon of corn oil to itsfoods.

13. When a dog sits down and drags itself along with its front legs, does itmean it has worms?
Not necessarily. It may have worms, but this particular action meansthat the dog is trying to squeeze out some of the accumulation in itsanal glands or that it itches in the area.

14. Do worms cause anemia?
Yes. Hookworms cause it by drawing blood; whipworms by their toxins.

15. Do dogs have collarbones (clavicles)?
No. Among pets, only birds have them.

16. What is a roundworm?
It may be any of a class of nematodes - hook, whip, ascarid - or it maybe a specific ascarid usually called roundworm. It is three to flee incheslong, one sixteenth of an inch thick, and pointed at both ends.

17. Are hookworms so named because their ends are shaped like hooks?
No. They are called hookworms because of the microscopic hooksaround their mouths by which they attach themselves to the intestinallining. Hookworms arc five eighths of an inch long and about as thick asheavy thread.

18. How do dogs acquire tapeworms?
Principally by eating fleas and rabbits, each of which is host for a spcific kind of tapeworm.

19. Can a veterinarian find tapeworm eggs by a fecal examination?
The eggs of the flea-host worm are seldom found, but the eggs of therabbit-host worm are always evident.

20. Are dogs subject to any infectious liver disease?
One type - leptospirosis - which is spread by rats.

21. Should I feed my pet a vitamin supplement?
Except a few rare instances, not if you feed it a complete commercialdog food.

22. Does long hair covering the eyes in some breeds protect the eyes?
No. Except in dogs to be shown, much of it should be trimmed topermit better vision.

23. Is there any may to stop an old bitch from dribbling urine?
Many spayed bitches have weak bladder sphincters. Small doses of stil-bestrol given at regular intervals will usually cure the dribbling.

24. How often should a dog's nails be trimmed?
It varies with the individual animal. If a dog stands on a firm surfaceand its nails touch the surface, they need trimming.

25. Do dogs get cavities in their teeth?
Very rarely.

26. How often should a dog be bathed?
Perhaps never. If the dog has an offensive odor or if obviously dirty itshould he bathed. Our house dogs are bathed twice a year.

27. Do dogs get stomach ulcers, for example, from worry?
Dogs very seldom have stomach ulcers from any cause.

28. What causes a dog to drag a front leg? Is it curable?
An injury to the radial nerve. If damage is extensive, the draggingseldom is curable; usually the nerve fails to regenerate.

29. Is coccidiosis caught from chickens or rabbits?
Neither. The dog has three common forms, none of which is contractedfrom chickens or rabbits.

30. Is cancer very common in dogs?
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in dogs.

31. Why are puppies of white breeds so frequently deaf?
Usually from careless breeding. Deafness is not necessarily associatedwith color, except in pups from two harlequin-colored dogs.

32. What is the average life expectancy of a dog?
For most that have avoided accidents and puppyhood diseases, thirteenyears; for giant breeds and a few others, it is closer to eight or nine yearsof age.

33. How long should a bitch be allowed to attempt whelping before it isnecessary to use instniments?
Until a puppy is down in the pelvis and is obviously too large to bepassed normally, usually two hours.

34. Should a dog's ears be cleaned regularly?
They should be examined and cleaned only if they need it. Many dogsnever have the need of ear cleaning.

35.When a dog's eyelids turn in and the hair rubs on she eyeballs, can thatbe corrected?
Yes, by an operation that removes a crescent of skin below and abovethe eye, thus pulling the lids out to their proper position.

36. What can be done to remove the small tumor so often seen in theinside corners of the eyes of Boston Terriers and Cocker Spaniels? It can be removed by surgery successfully and quite simply.

37. How does a fecal examination determine the presence of worms? By demonstrating the eggs of worms. Knowing which worm lays theeggs that arc found, the technician knows which worm the dog is har-boring.

38. Do fleas breed on a dog?
Fleas copulate and the female lays eggs while on the dog. The eggs fallto the ground, into rug nap, overstuffed furniture, cracks in the floor,and hatch when the weather is warm and damp. A worm emerges andgrows, eventually spins a cocoon, pupates, and emerges as a flea whichjumps on the first thing moving past it - dog, cat, or person.

39. Duties breed on a dog?

40. Is red mange curable?
It is self-limiting in some dogs, curable in most, but seemingly incurablein a few.

41. Is glaucoma hereditary?
One type is. It never skips a generation.

42. Do dogs have hernias? Yes. The most common is the small navel (umbilical) hernia.

43. What makes some dogs' eyes reflect red at night?
It is a rare hereditary characteristic. The eyes are like those of a raccoon inthis respect.

44. Do dogs have lockjaw?
Yes, but it is so rare that preventive inoculations are not usually adminis-tered.

45. Can humans contract heartworms?
Yes, but the diagnosis can be made only if hcartworm incystcd in thelung is verified by a pathologist.

46. Is mange transmissible from dog to man?
Sarcoptic mange is transmissible from dog to man and also from man todog.

47. Do dogs have many forms of cancer?
Probably as many forms as human beings have.

48. Can a dog get fat in any may other than by eating too much? Flowabout glands?
Glands help to regulate the use a dog makes of the food it eats. Eatingis the only way it can get fat.

49. Do dogs have venereal diseases?
Not the kinds human beings have, but there is a cancer transmissible bycopulation, as well as a disease called brucellosis.

50. Will a dog infect its wounds if it licks them?
No. It licks any dead tissue away, along with bacteria. It may lick andchew sutures out that were placed to close a skin incision.
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