Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 1, 2011

Neotropical Cichlid

Neotropical Cichlid are fish that range in behavior from pacifist to antagonistic; in fact, the names angels and devils are particularly appropriate. These cichlids require Allaire aquarium and plenty of food. They make a lot of mess and need large, regular water changes. Their real attraction is that many of them have an intelligence lacking in nearly all other fish - and most theatricals for that matter. These fish will move gravel and rocks with purpose - usually to stake out a territory and entice a mate. They recognize their owner, rushing to the tank glass for food when ever hoer she approaches, and often shun strangers. Some can be taught to perform simple tricks with the inducement of an extra meal, something these greedy beasts always appreciate. When these cichlids breed, they care for the free-swimming young for quite some time, defending the minute babies from all potential predators, often regardless of the predator's size. Unfortunately, most of the larger neotropical cichlids are much bigger and more aggressive than, say, the gentle angelfish. These brutes can fight and remove scales from each other with ease, and yet they are very popular in the home aquarium and, indeed, very easy to keep, provided their requirements are met. Firstly, they need an appropriately large tank, at least 90cm(36in) long, and even a tank this size will not house many specimens. Within this space they can exercise their normal territorial behavior; these fish become very possessive particular patch and will guard it fiercely from all rivals. Large cichlids eat a great deal of food and often make quite a mess wit hit. Large, regular water changes are therefore essential and a good mechanical filter to assist the biological filter is a help. Lastly, it is ago od idea to stock fish of varying sizes and co lour patterns if you want them to live together in relative peace, as these fish tend to be most aggressive towards loyalties.

Like the other varieties, this eat smaller fish. It enjoys the same marbled angelfish is ideal for the temperatures as other tropical's - in average community. It is not overly the region of 26°C(79°F) - and eats aggressive, but make sure it does not flake, freeze-dried and live foods.

The messy and aggressive oscar (Astronauts cellars) can grow to 30cm(12in) or more in a really large tank. A 90-120cm(36-48in)tank will suffice for a single oscar alone, but if °scars are kept in pairs or with other cichlids, they need at least a 150cm(60in) tank. The body is a mottled gray, black, olive or beige,varying according to mood, and the mucus coating gives time fish a matt appearance; these characteristics account for its other common names`velvet' or 'marble' cichlid. The red oscar, the long-finned oscar and the albino oscar are aquarium-bred lines.

The convicts (Chinchillas) are slightly smaller neotropical cichlids, growing to about 18cm(7in), slightly less for females. The body co lour is a light with many vertical black bars.hese fish can be rather aggressive .Provide a tank measuring 7Scm(30in)or snore. They greedily accept all foods. Males tend to have longer pointed dorsal and anal fins and grow larger, whereas females usually(but not always) have a few bright orange scales on the belly and sides.Once you have a pair of these fish,they are sure to breed. They spawn on a large flat stone and the eggs hatch after only 48 hours. The young live on a large yolk sac on their belly for the first few days and can be fe don newly hatched brine shrimps bassoon as they are free-swimming, four to five days after hatching.

The Jack Dempsey cichlid(Chinchillas catboats) takes its common name from the legendary American heavyweight boxer, but infarct it is not as aggressive as some other cichlids. The body is quite longhand slim, although it becomes bulkier with age. The eyes and mouth are rather small for a cichlid of this size.The body has eight vertical dark bars(hence the species Amoco), but these do not often show up, as the whole body discovered in a profusion of metallic blue, green and gold scales that intensify in co lour with age. Jackdaws will reach about 20cm(8in) or perhaps more in a really large tank, but I Scam(6in) is more normal. As in most neotropical cichlids, males have longer, more pointed dorsal and anal fins, whereas females usually remain smaller than their male counterparts. These cichlids will eat a wide range of foods, with blended beef heart being good staple food. Other ideal foods are earthworms, pellets, and any of the frozen foods with some substance, such as cockle or river shrimp. It is not difficult to persuade these fish to spawn. Raising the temperature slightly from the normal25°C(771) to about 26°C(79°F)triggers spawning, but these fish are so accommodating that often the temperature need not be altered. The pair lay and fertilize several hundred little gray eggs, usually on a rock but sometimes on the gravel. The eggs are tended by both fish and hatch after two to three days. The young live on their yolk sacs for a few days and,once free-swimming, can feed on newly hatched brine shrimp. The parents care for the young until they are 1.25cm(0.5in) long or more, but at this point the male may start to bully the female with the intention of spawning again.

From a drab little silver fish. the quetzal cichlid(Chinchillas snappily)from Central America grows into a 30cm(12in)-long animal, with every co lour of the rainbow in its scales.

The head remains pink or red, and males, in particular,develop a huge head hump. Considering their size, they do not become too aggressive and can be mixed with other cichlids of different size and coloration .Quetzals like a large tank -150cm(60in) - clean water and plenty of vegetable matter, such as garden peas,spinach and broad beans.
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