Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 1, 2011

Guppy Fish

The guppy must be one of the best-known tropical aquarium fishes, as well as one of the most beautiful and prolific. It is not aggressive to any degree and can be kept with any other fish that will not be aggressive towards it or grow big enough to eat it. Guppies make no special demands regarding care and will survive in less than perfect conditions(although this is no excuse to neglect them). The guppy originates from Central America and the northern part of South America. In its natural state, it is a relatively uninteresting fish with very little coloration, but over the years, fish breeders have developed various highly coloreds and forms with greatly elaborated fins. This breeding work has been concentrated on the male fishes, which even in the relatively drab wild specimens show more co lour than the females. Depending on the particular aquarium-bred strain, the dorsal fin may either be small or massively flowing, but the male's tail will always be like a long flowing scarf. The tail may he one of several different shapes, depending on the breed, and will also have various names, such as 'delta tail', `velar or`fantail', and so on. The colors of these fish are absolutely stunning.Agai, depending on the particular strain of guppy, it may be red, blue,green, black or any combination of these and any other colors, too.The colors may extend across the body right up to the head. Females

In the platy(Impostors maculates),red, orange, yellow and black are the predominance. The male (upper fish) has a pointed anal fin whereas the female's anal finis rounded. Females also tend to be plumper than males. The platy is always ready to breed and females are rarely unfertilized. Armature female can release up to 100 young at a time, but 40 is nearer the normal brood size for these fish.

Excluding the long tail that the male develops as it matures, the swordtail(Impostors heeler) will grow to about 7.5cm(3in),sometimes a little more .Swordtails relish live foods,such as Daphnia landholder, but will do very well on flake and freeze-dried foods, and frozen foods, such as Tubifex.They also appreciate some vegetable matter in the diet.

Guppy fish are far less colorful but larger, growing to about 5 cm(2in), whereas the male only reaches about 3.5cm(1.4in) in body length, which could lead you to think that these are two totally different fish. Guppies like their tanks to be quite warm - 25.5°C(78°F) is about right. They also like the water to be quite hard and alkaline, never soft and acidic. Guppies ea tall manner of foods, including flake, freeze-dried brine shrimps,

Daphnia, bloodworm and most frozen foods. They appreciate vegetable matter, such as tinned garden peas or blanched lettuce.
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