Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 1, 2011

Cat Spray

Cats have been a favorite companion of humankind for about five thousand years. Their grace, beauty, and regal bearing have charmed royalty and common folk alike. During this time, the cat was quite independent. It did not live in close quarters, did not share the social pressures common to modern times,and was not bred selectively. These factors singly or in combination are thought to contribute to an increase in behavior problems.

Both intact and neutered male cats (and to a lesser extent, females) may back up to vertical objects, such as furniture and drapes,raise and quiver the tail, and squirt a small amount of urine on the object. This is called spraying. This is not to be confused integralities or cystitis. Spraying apparently makes the surroundings more familiar and comfortable to the cat by giving them theca's own smell, and it lets others know that Morris, Jaws, or Ralph "was here." If the cat perceives a threat to its environment, such asa new addition to the household (another pet,a baby), a furniture change, or a new cat in the neighborhood, spraying may occur. In these cases. however, it will probably be temporary.

Eliminating Smell of Cat Spray

Castrating the male cat before sexual gratuity solves the spraying problem before it be-gins. but castration after maturity is still highly effective. If castration doesn't appeal. try placing mothballs or the cat's food bowl in the -spray zone." Cats don't go to the bathroom where they eat, and they detest the smell of mothballs. ( Do not use moth-balls if small children are in the household.Also, some mothballs contain naphthalene,which causes a hemolytic anemia if the cat licks or chews them.) Hormones or a new home for the cat may be needed if the behavior persists.

Cats are very proper about their toilet habits: they cover their bowel movements in their territory (if their mothers taught them correctly, this is the litter box). A change of litter type, infrequent cleaning of the litter box,or any perceived environmental threats can disrupt this habit. First, try to correct the environmental change. Clean the area and place the feeding bowl, toys, or mothballs nearby. If flowerpot soil has become the new bathroom,a few mothballs placed in the soil or some cay-en ne pepper sprinkled on top should send your cat back to its litter box. Increasing the number of litter boxes, relocating them, and removing any box covers may be helpful. If your cat is having loose bowel movements outside of the litter box.

Thumb sucking or sucking on pacifiers or other objects is a favorite pastime of small children, especially when they are anxious, tired,hungry, or stressed. Similarly, cats - especially those that were orphaned or undernourished during the nursing period - may try to suck your blankets, sweaters, pants, or anything made from wool; your skin or hair; or its own body. At the same time, they will knead as they do when nursing. A firm "No!" and a shake by the scruff of the neck should be helpful in eliminating or reducing this behavior.

If any behavior problems have not been modified by the Home Treatment, please consult your veterinarian. Many times a "behavior"problem is actually a medical problem such as unrealities, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism.Each cat is a unique personality, and discuss your cat and home situation with your vet- nary neurologist, an animal-behavior special-erin arian may be very, a social worker, and a psychiatrist. Animal

Recently, the University of Pennsylvania behavior specialists are available at other vet-veterinary hospital established a referral cylindering schools as well.
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