Whenever you find your love one pet cat is very ill and is seriously injured, you can rush to near by veterinarian. There, if your veterinarian is not exactly knowing what is the cause of all this. Then he must go for cat’s ultrasound.
In ultrasound for cats your veterinarian can perform ultrasound on various parts of the body. For example in the ultrasound of abdominal the organs which are traced are liver, intestines, stomach, spleen, kidneys etc. With the help of ultrasound in kidneys we can examine the size of kidney, shape of the kidney and even he can view it internally to find some injury.
We can even trace the symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting through ultrasounds in a cat. It can also be performed when there is weight loss, or there are any abnormalities in reproduction. At that time it's good to go for pet cat's ultrasound. Ultrasound of abdominal is helpful in many ways because it is helpful to detect pregnancy. It can even detect capability of living of fetus during pregnancy.
In ultrasound, high-speed sound waves (more than 20,000 per second) are transmitted from the tip of a device called a transducer. This tip also houses a microphone. The sound waves bounce off various organs differently, and these reflected waves are displayed on a television like oscilloscope. Sedation may not be necessary, because ultrasound is a painless procedure. A lubricant and the transducer are placed on a shaved area of the skin over the area to be examined.
Cat ultrasound is extremely helpful in diagnosing and monitoring a pet with car-diomyopathy and other heart diseases. This procedure is called an echocardiogram. Ultrasound is also very helpful in viewing the gall bladder, liver, spleen, kidney, lymph nodes, pancreas, uterus, ovaries, and the chest. Some times during biopsies doctors use ultrasound to view the internal organs while directing the needle or forceps to the site. Evaluating the fetuses during pregnancy is another very useful procedure.
One thing we should keep in our mind before taking our cat to an ultrasound is to remove hair from her body. This is because to make complete contact of the equipment to the cat's body. It is not compulsory, but most of the ultrasound examination of cat requires hair removal for better results. The cost of cat’s ultrasound varies and depends on several factors. In ultrasound check up for cats no pain is evolved. And if your cat is co-operative it will be very easy for the veterinarian to take your pet cat's ultrasound.
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