Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 1, 2011

Coty Doras

Of all the tropical aquarium catfishes, Cordovans catfishes must be the most popular. There are many types of Cordovans, a group of very small, well-armored catfishes from South America, with a variety ocular patterns depending on their native habitat. If at all possible, setup the aquarium to simulate the slow-moving rivers of South America,where these catfishes come from. Introduce plenty of plants, somehow and fine gravel to make them feel at home. A tank containing only Cordovans catfishes does not make a very good community, as the fish tend to spend most of the time at the bottom of the tank, leaving the top half looking empty. Cordovans catfishes often take gasps of air from the atmosphere, so do not he alarmed if your fish make a sudden split-second dash from the bottom to the surface; this behavior is totally normal. These busy little beavers are seen in nearly every home community tank and most are easy to keep, although a few can be quite delicate. They prefer their water to be slightly cooler than most theosophical but will quite happily live at the optimum temperature of24°075°F). However, some species need very specific water conditions,especially if they are wild-caught fish, so check before buying.

The distinctive Cardiograms from the Rio Negro is easily identified by the stripes on the caudal fin. It prefers slightly soft, acidic water and a planted aquarium with fine substrate so that it does not damage its delicate barbells when feeding. Small, live invertebrates,such as Daphnia, form an important part of its natural diet and if fed on these, the fish develops an iridescent sheen - a sign of good health. Froze nor flake foods are alternatives rabbinate grows to7.5cm(3in) and a shoal is a welcome addition to a community tank.

Although most Cordovans catfishes are visible during the daylight hours, many are more active after dark. `Corrie's', as they are often known, will eat most foods, retrieving anything dropped by the other fishes in the tank, but as they are bottom-dwellers they need a food that sinks to the bottom. They relish small chopped earthworms, soaked pellets or waterlogged flake, and finely blended beef heart or raw disaccord will breed in the home aquarium, although some species are easier than others. They are best bred in an aquarium of their own,with two males and one female. The female is pestered by the two males and lays her eggs on the plants and glass. The males then fertilize the eggs, which hatch after three or four days or so and fall to the bottom. There they live off a yolk sac for a few more days and then you can feed them on fine fry foods or newly hatched brine shrimp.

The armour ed, or mailed,catfish (Holster thoraces) iso-called because of the two rows of plates on the body. It is an ideal,peaceful scavenger in a community of larger fish and can be bred in the aquarium, where the ;rude builds sanest of bubbles at the surface and anchors it to the side of the tank among floating material. Make sure there is the minimum of surface movement or the nest will break up.

The plated catfish (Cardiograms) is peaceful and a good community fish. It is brown with as lightly purple tinge and a number of black blotches over the body. Plated catfishes prefer quite cool conditions- about 22°C(72°F). When females of this species are ripe with eggs they become really plump. This is probably the commonest of all the available Cordovans catfishes and one of the easiest to breed in captivity.yers' catfish (Cordovans merit),another of the more commemorators catfishes, is one of the hardier species and makes a welcome addition to any peaceful community aquarium. It grows to 7.Scm(3in).

Bronze catfishes(Cordovans avenues) have quite a bit of metallic green coloration as well. They are completely peaceful and probably best kept in groups of three or more. Even in admixed community, male soften follow the females about. Males are usually smaller and less robust than females. Bronze catfish ar every popular miniature aquarium subjects.
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