Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 1, 2011

Aquarium Flying Fox Fish

Aquarium flying fox fish is mostly known as kuonobarbi and belongs to the cyprinidae family. This fish has long body with a flat abdominal area. The back of the body has an olive and dark brown color whereas; the lower part of this fish has a yellowish white color on it. Its eyes usually have reddish tinged irises in it. The eyes, mouth and caudal fins of this fish has brownish black line on it which have gold colored stripes on it. The maximum length of aquarium flying fox fish is 6 inches and an average length is 4.7 inches. These fish can live up to 8 to 10 years in an aquarium.

The young flying fox fish are quite similar to Siamese Algae Eater and false flying fox. This fish are often sold as the Siamese Algae Eater (SAE) but, it is not that much similar to SAE. As it stops eating algae at older age and become aggressive towards other fishes. Siamese algae eater lives quietly and eats algae all through their survival.

Requirements of flying fox fish:

This type of fish requires a 30 to 40 gallons fish tank for their survival. You can also have a larger aquarium instead of a 30 to 40 gallons aquarium. Make sure that the tank you provide to this type of fish is clean and filled with room temperature water. Set the heater of the flying fox fish aquarium at 70 to 79° Fahrenheit. Try to sustain water conditions at a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 by using a freshwater kit.

One can embellish its flying fox fish aquarium by putting gravel in it. Ensure that the gravel does not have any sharp edges on it which can be hazardous for flying fox fish. It is recommended to add decoration piece in aquarium which include hiding places in it. Big decorative aquarium plants can work well as a decoration piece.

These fish usually fly around the aquarium and require ordinary fish food to eat. Ensure that you provide regular and proper diet to your flying fox fish. You can also feed them with high quality tropical fish flakes or pellets. One can also feed their flying fox fish by live, freeze-dried or frozen meaty foods such as bloodworm, beef heart or other meaty fish food. Avoid the use of algae scrubber in your fish tank if it contains this type of fish as flying fish feed on these algae as well. Make sure that you feed them once a day and the feed you give should get consumed within five minutes. Flying fox fish should be fed according to their diet because overfeeding can contaminate the water of the fish tank.

Flying fox fish are easy to care and a good choice for a novice. It is quite admired by people as it eats algae from the fish tank. It should not be purchased because of this quality as after certain age it stops consuming algae. Avoid keeping more than one fish of this type in the same fish tank as they like to fight each other.
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