Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 1, 2011

Cat Temperature

Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of any body that we can measure with the help of thermometer. Same is with the body of a cat. Normally the body temperature of a cat lies in between 101 °F to 102 °F or cat temperature lies between 38 °C to 39 °C. Generally the cat loves sunny day and like to sleep or to roam outside in the warm day. It shows excitement to warmness as the cat is very closely related to desert area. Due to this reason they do not feel uneasy, uncomfortable and can survive easily up to 52 °C temperature.

Cat can belong to any type of breed, it can relate to Norwegian Forest or it can relate to Maine Coon. These cats develop heavy hair, coats of fur in comparison to other cats in cold season. They fight to maintain a temperature of 39 °C (102°F) when there body is wet. But some breeds are very fond of water like Turkish Van, Abyssinians and Bengal’s.

If your cat is ill or sick firstly you have to check the causes of her illness. There might be possibility that she is not physically fit and in this case you have to check her from outside. If you find her completely all right than you should check for her fever. Fever you can check with the help of thermometer, there are different types of thermometer available to take cat temperature. We can check cat temperature either with the help of rectal thermometer or with the help of mercury thermometer. There is one more thermometer available to take cat’s body temperature that is ear thermometer.

Ear thermometer is used in ear to measure the temperature. We use ear thermometer because it is good as it measures the brain blood temperature. Ear thermometer works on the principal of measuring infrared heat waves that come directly from an ear area. You can use mercury thermometer also but before you use it shake it well. Put some lubricants on it like petroleum jelly, or other water based lubricants and than you can use it. Now the question arises how to take temperature of body of cat with the help of thermometer. Here you will find the solution:

How to Take Cat Temperature

- Use a rectal thermometer, which has a rounded, stubby tip. Shake it down first by holding it between your thumb and index finger and snapping your wrist.

- Apply Vaseline or mineral oil to the bulb.

- Restrain the cat. It is advisable to have someone hold the back end of your pet while you hold the tail and the thermometer, so that your pet cannot move from side to side or up and down and break the thermometer.

- Lift the tail, gently slide the thermometer into the anus, and leave it in for three minutes.

- Remove the thermometer and read the mercury level.

- Clean your thermometer well, wash it well with the warm water and use soap also to wash it, the soap should be disinfectant.

- You can also use digital thermometer, that is more easy to read and will give beep when it will be ready to use.

- If you see that the body temperature of the cat is 105 °F, than it is a dangerous stage and you should call to your veterinarian immediately.

Cat temperature is very important to take when your cat is in fever and all you need is to take her care. If you find your cat has high body temperature than consult your veterinarian soon.
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