In the Male. Male dog have had all manner of drugs fed to them and injected into them to make them fertile and eager to mate. Some drugs make matters worse. There was a vogue for using testosterone until it became apparent that it was making dog sterile instead of fertile.
Several preparations have been used in attempts to encourage re-tai ned testicles to descend to their normal locations. It should be men-toned that retained testicles arc a genetic anatomical defect not influenced by medicinal products.
In the Female. Starting with preparation for breeding, certain vitamins are essential for reproduction. Chief of these is vita-min A. Vitamin E is essential for rats; despite the testimonials you may have seen to the contrary, it has not been demonstrated as necessary for other species.
What can you do if your bitch is bred by accident to an undesirable male? If she has been bred during the very first part of the acceptance period, breed her at once to the desired male. Then breed her every other day as long as she will accept him. The chances are good that her pups will be sired by the proper male. Of course, it will be necessary to observe the results for some months to be assured the resulting puppies are from the chosen mating's.
But if she is bred too late to do anything, then have your veterinarian inject her with medication that will prevent the ova (eggs) from implantation in the uterus. Hormones may also be dispensed. You may douche her, but that can be risky; medication is preferable.
How can a pregnant female dog be helped at the time of parturition? Is she sluggish? Your veterinarian can inject an extract made from the posterior pituitary gland, one of many manufactured. Intuiting is of great value. Boxthorn has been of even greater worth because it has its principal effect on the uterus and less nausea accompanies its use. Any of these drugs should be injected only by your veterinarian. None of them should be given to an dog with a constricted pelvis. If a puppyish too large for passage through the pelvis, it would be cruel to inject the mother. What she needs is a cesarean operation.
At weaning time should you rub the mother's breasts with camphor-a ted oil or other substances? No, let them cake naturally and they will soon stop secreting. Drugs are unnecessary.
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