Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 1, 2011

Red Canary

Red Canary is one of the popular breed among the canaries. Red canaries are also well known with the name red factor canary. Red factor canaries are named after its colorful plumage. Red canaries are bred for the novelty of its color rather than for the song. It is kept and enjoyed by the pet owner who wants a pet as well as those who enjoy showing off. Red canary is an active, hardy and very easy to keep bird.

Over View of Red Canary

Red canary bird was first bred in the year 1930. It is the only color canary, which has elements of red as part of its plumage. It was developed as a crossbred between another type of finch, the endangered Venezuelan Black Hooded Red, and the Yellow canary. The scientific name of the red canary is serinus canaria domesticus.

Housing for Red Canary

A red canary bird reaches about 5 1/2 (14cm) inches in length. Mainly, these breeds are meant to show .The proper care of red canaries include wide-open spaces, so provide them with a wide roomy cage. Provide a cage with vertical bars and small perches of different sizes for foot exercise. At least have a one perch set high in the cage for the canary to roost. The cage should be placed high, so that the canary can look down to speak.

Feeding Red Canary

Red canary mainly feed on canary seed and rapeseed. Vitamin coated canary seed mixes are already available in every pet store. Greens are also enjoyed and can be offered along with a little calcium in the form of a cuttlebone. In all the colorbred canaries, the red or other color pigments are obtained from their diet. Even the red color of red siskin is found to be dependent on what it ate in the wild. Like wise, the red canary bird also requires to feed with a special diet in order to keep its intense coloring.

Color Feeding – Red Canary

Color feeding means feeding of foods, which are specifically designed to enhance the color. Mainly three chemicals are found for this process, carotenoids for most of birds with the addition of canthazanthin and the beta – carotene for the red factor canary birds. A berry, beets, squashes, cherries, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes contain carotenoids that enhance the color of canary birds. A red or orange color can also be increased in many breeds by simply adding cayenne pepper and a paprika to the diet of canaries. Nevertheless, the pet owner must use these color-feeding chemicals carefully with a close attention paid to proper quantities of chemicals.

Bathing, Trimming- Red Canary

Generally, the red canary enjoy having bath, so they should be provided with a birdbath in the canary birdcage. The maintenance that the red canary need includes cage cleaning and toe nail trimming.

Breeding Red Canary

Breeding a red canary would be bit difficult for the new beginner, so it is recommended for a more advanced keeper. Most of the canaries breed easily and readily if been provided with a right quantity of food, lighting, secure surroundings and conditioning. The breeding season for red canary is usually around December to April. The red factor canary birds are usually available everywhere and they can be found at pet stores, bird clubs and on the internet too.

The red canary is a cute little bird. One should take a proper care of it, in order to have a long life companion ship of the lovely and beautiful bird.
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