The very popular white fire fish is a burrowing fish imported in large numbers. The equally popular golden-headed sleepier (Helotries striates) is a gorgeously marked fish, with more subtle coloration than most marine fishes. It lives in a self-made tunnel it’s the sand, maintaining an early vertical position, with just its head poking out. These fishes have typically large eyes set high up on their blunt snouts.
The neon gobby (Gobbies Oceanus) is one of the smallest species - little larger than a matchstick - but an interesting aquarium subject. It has proved willing to breed in captivity and shares the same markings as the cleaner wrasse (Abridges insidious), fulfilling a similar function in the aquarium. These tiny fish are best kept in small shoals. The Catalina Sea off the coast of California is home to the Catalina gobby (Lutherans Ali), Albright red fish of similar proportions to the neon. Its color makes this fish an instant choice, but do make sure that the water temperature in the aquarium remains in the low 20s°C (low 70s°F) if this fish is to survive. Gobby fish belongs to the Gobiidae family; in this family you will find lots of fishes from very small fishes to large fishes.
Dragon Gobby
Dragon Gobby fish belongs to the family Gobiidae. In aquarium the Dragon gobby fish hardly ever grow further than 15 inches. Its body color is purple therefore sometimes it is also known as violet gobby fish and the body is stretched out, it has a big mouth therefore the teeth of the fish is visible very easily. The fish is often found stick to aquarium glass due to this behavior the fish is sometimes compared with Pelco species but actually they are not closely related to each other. Dragon gobby fish is comfortable in salt water aquarium; they can also survive in marine water but salt water is preferred. Dragon gobby fish has been originated from Florida, now-a-days this fish is found in waters from Gulf of Mexico to Georgia etc. There is a myth about this Dragon Gobby fish that these fishes are killer, but reality is this that Dragon gobby is searcher and feeds only on smaller food types.
Round Gobby
Round Gobby fish creates from Caspian Sea, Black sea and Sea of Azov etc. Round Gobby fish is grayish in color with markings of black, brown, gray and olive green color. The Round gobby fish is a flexible bottom dwelling fish which can live in both salt water Oceans and fresh water rivers and lakes. This fish is a productive fish because the female can lay eggs several times during each spawning season.
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